Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's official - He's all ours!

Finally home! Sorry for the interval in the blog entries, but there’s not much connection at 36,000 feet and then there was the jet lag…

Update – Court went perfect on the 17th, apparently our report to the Judge covered all the bases with only a handful of follow up questions asked, and all of these were in the initial report anyway. After a couple of paperwork stops, we were given the evening off until 11:00 when it was time to leave for the airport in Astana. We were able to visit Danny for a half hour to say good-bye (for now), then cooled our heels until Erken came to pick us up.

The Airport in Astana is very modern, with signs and announcements made in both Russian and English, everything went smooth as we headed out on the 15 hour (actual flying time – not counting layovers) travel back home. We aren’t sure what was more tired, our bodies or our butts!!

So now we are back at home waiting for the next trip to bring him home. At this point it looks like we’ll travel the 18th of July and be home up to 2 weeks later. First we fly into Astana, and then take the 6 hour round trip car ride to pick him up from Sucinsk. Our next stop is a plane to Almaty for the US Embassy (about 1 ½ to 2 hours). This trip is all US Embassy stuff so should be a piece of cake.

Then… it will be 17 hours of flying time plus layovers with a 2 year old. Pray for us!

Our next entry likely won’t be until we return near the 1st of August, so stay tuned.

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